Fly Tying Hair and Fur and Feather
ZaoQiang Affable Fur Co.,Ltd is located in Duyan Zaoqiang Town of Zaoqiang County, Hebei Province, where has long been known as Fur Capital of China. Started since 1996, ZaoQiang Affable Fur Co.,Ltd is an well knowned fur products manufacturer with 120 experienced working staff in China.We are the professional supplier of fly tying fur materials.
Several different kinds of furs& feather are available: rabbit fur &zonker strips, muskrat skin, mink tail, pine squirrel,fox squirrel,opossum skin,badger skin,beaver skin,coyote,arctic fox tail,white raccoon&zonker strips,marble fox tail,hare's masks,squirrel tail,goat hair,pahmi, pahmi& zonker strips, tibetan lamb,hare&zonker strips, cashmere goat skin,Chinese Cock Hackle ,Mallard Duck ,Partridge,Golden Pheasant Tippets Feather etc.
Nature and dyed whole long hair ChineseTibetan temple dog skin |
Dog hair,a very long,soft and a little curly hair,used in the construction of many traditional and new steelhead,salmon flies & scandinavian style tube flies,approx.6-12 cms long,the hair is incredibly soft and lively.
Natural colors:grey,brown,cream,tan,black and white.
Bright dyed colors:black,dark brown,yellow,hot orange,chartreuse,golden olive,purple,red and highlander green.
Nature & dyed America opossum skin
Superb hair for average sized flies.
Slightly curly underwool with longer and shiny spike hairs, almost like polar bear. Its soft, but not to soft. From mother natures hand this type of hair has got black tips. This is the best skind we have seen in a very long time, and the popularity is growing every day.
Dyed color: black,dark brown,yellow,hot orange,chartreuse,golden olive,purple,red , highlander green,nature.
The mask of the sliver fox has fur with many different markings including fibres with a black base, white top section and small black tips. These particular fibres are ideal for Shadow Shrimps and can be used on Ally's Shrimps. In addition there is fur with many different markings making it a most attractive addition to any tyer's bench.
Dyed color: black, brown,yellow,orange,chartreuse,
golden olive,purple,red,green,nature.
Nature , dyed & two tone Cashmere goat hair |
Cashmere goat hair on a patch, suitable for salmon, pike and saltwater flies. A very popular winging material an so neay to use.approx.12-15 cms long,the hair is incredibly soft and lively.

Natural colors:black and white.
Dyed colors:black,dark brown,yellow,hot orange,chartreuse,golden olive,purple,red and highlander green.grey,brown,cream,tan,Nature-black
Badger skin |
Badger has many uses, such as winging traditional salmon/steelhead patterns. The underfur has a nice translucence and makes nice tails on swimming nymphs. If you like making compara duns or hair wing flies, you will love this fur.
Dyed color: black,dark brown,yellow,hot orange,chartreuse,golden olive,purple,red , highlander green,nature.
Kid Goat hair is a long semi-stiff hair. It comes on a patch and varies from 2" to 4" in length. We use goat as a topping on Temple Dog-style Tube Flies.
A very nice winging material, great for salmon flies and streamer flies.
Dyed color: black,dark brown,yellow,hot orange,chartreuse,golden olive,purple,red , highlander green,nature.
Chinese long hair Lamb fur |
Chinese REX fur |
Chinese long hair lamb fur is a with very long hair. We have mostly white lamb which allows dyeing of many colors for tying materials.A very nice winging material, great for salmon flies and streamer flies.
Dyed color: black,dark brown,yellow,hot orange,chartreuse,golden olive,purple,red , highlander green,nature.
Short haired special rabbit. These rabbits from China are new on the flytying market,The hair is very soft with equal lenght of spike hairs and wool. Very nice for the smaller flies. The leather is very thind so its easy to cut a Zonker wing.
Dyed color: black,dark brown,yellow,hot orange,chartreuse,golden olive,purple,red , highlander green,nature.
Dyed Chinese raccoon&zonker |
Raccoon hair is extremely soft and lively (almost airy). It has a longer length than other similar hairs like Artic Fox. This makes it a great material for tying "souped up" Clouser minnows, striper flies, and bonefish flies. It is also a great material for tying trout streamers and the hair can be substituted in place of bucktail, marabou, and craft fur with ease. An added benefit of the material is that the under fur is fine and soft and can be used for dubbing
Natural colors:brwon and white.
Bright dyed colors:black,dark brown,yellow,hot orange,chartreuse,golden olive,purple,red and highlander green,blue..
Other color: Color Card
Nutria Hair |
Mormot Hair |
Natural Nutria hair on skin. Nutria is mother nature's finest dubbing fur. Popular for nymphs, this natural dubbing has grayish brown tones.
Nice and soft with just the right amount of guard hair
,Geat for all sub surface flies.
Dyed color:black,dark brown,nature
,dark olive,red
Mormot hair is a great choice for hairwing salmon flies.,it appears thick and coarse but is actually fine and ties in with little bulk.it also makes great caddis wings that lays flatter than elk or deer with alot less bulk at the tie in point.the under fur makes an outstanding coarsy dubbing .we can dye many color.
Squirrel skin & zonker strips |
Pine Squirrel Zonker Strips
Naturally barred. Excellent for use on matukas, zonkers, and streamers. Each strip is approximately 1/8" wide
DyedColor : Orange,red,brown,purple,black,Olive,Chartreuse

Pine Squirrel and grey Squirrel
A fine dark brown/black flecked fur with a dark blue grey underfur. The fur is short (length just under 1cm. approximately) and ideal for nymphs or spider flies. Although short the fur dubs well enabling both sparse and more heavily dubbed bodies to be made.
Dyed rabbit & printed rabbit hides |
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These two toned rabbit hides
are dyed in wild colors! Cut into strips for bunny leaches!
They can make into all kinds of zonker strips& patch.
These two toned rabbit hides
are nature colors! Cut into strips for bunny leaches! Spike Guard Hair from hare is superb dubbing for buggy, straggly nymph bodies. Well blended and in a range of great colours
Natural & Dyed Hare's Mask
Natural and Dyed Hare's Mask contains the full range of spiky buggy variegated and mottled hairs that blend into the very finest dubbing for the gold ribbed Hare's Ear family of patterns.
Dyed color:black,yellow,orange,red,olive,rust
Spike Guard Hair from hare is superb dubbing for buggy, straggly nymph bodies. Well blended and in a range of great colours

Shadow Fox tail
Shadow Fox tail is very soft which can be used for smaller as well as bigger flies. Very soft and slightly curly wool and with longer/straight spikehairs. Because of the very thind leather you can cut it in smal Zonkers. Or you can tie it in like a normal wing. This is the best qaulity you will find on the market today.
DyedColor : yellowOrange,red,brown,purple,black,Chartreuse,blue
Marble Fox Tail
Marble Fox tailis soft. The hair is betwen 8-11cm. And some up to 15cm. The best material for seatrout and salmon flies. Limited stock. There are very few marble fox on the market, we can dye it in some very good colors.
DyedColor : Orange,red,brown,purple,black,Olive,Chartreuse,yellow
China raccoon tail is a very long,soft and a little curly hair,used in the construction of many traditional and new steelhead,salmon flies & scandinavian style tube flies,approx.10-12 cms long,the hair is incredibly soft and lively.
Dyed colors:black,dark brown,yellow,hot orange,chartreuse,golden olive,purple,red and highlander green.
China temple dog tail ,a very long,soft and a little curly hair,used in the construction of many traditional and new steelhead,salmon flies & scandinavian style tube flies,approx.15-18 cms long,the hair is incredibly soft and lively. .
Dyed colors:black,dark brown,yellow,hot orange,chartreuse,golden olive,purple,red and highlander green.
The Muskrat Comes as one generous piece. Use guard hairs for feelers, legs etc. The underfur is an excellent dryfly dubbing. The fur is exceptionally soft, easy to control and easy to dub directly onto the thread or in a loop. It is also used as a replacement for water vole fur.
Guard Hair color: Orange,red,brown,purple,black,Olive,Chartreuse

Pahmi skin
Pahmi hair is a kind of fly tying fur for hairwing salmon flies.,it appears thick and coarse but is actually fine and ties in with little bulk.it also makes great caddis wings that lays flatter than elk or deer with alot less bulk at the tie in point.the under fur makes an outstanding coarsy dubbing .
DyedColor : Orange,red,brown,purple,black,Olive,Chartreuse,yellow
Mink tail fur is tanned to the highest quality making it very soft and workable, enabling fly tyers to cut their own strips at any angle to the natural lie of the fur. These can then be wound as collars/bodies as well as traditional zonkers.
Color:Chartreuse, Pink, Red, Gold, Purple, Olive, Green, Orange, Brown, Black, White, Natural
Cut narrower than our 1/8" and
ideal for smaller leeches, zonkers and bonefish flies. Many great
Similar to the Two Toned
Rabbit Strips, these crosscut strips are cut across the fur grain.
These two tone rabbit strips
come in HOT colors making them great for flesh flies, bunny leaches.
Crosscut for collars and
bodies. The crosscut make the fur wrap around the hook better.
These two tone rabbit strips
come in HOT colors making them great for flesh flies, bunny leaches.
The hair will lay back after
each wind. Lots of great colors!
1/8 inch wide and just right
for saltwater Pike and Musky flies. They are especially effective for
minnow imitations.
These rabbit strips are dyed
in two different colors.
Great fishy color mixes.
These natural and dyed rabbit
strips are cut from grade A hides. Lots of great colors!
The barring will give your
flies a unique look, similar to a grizzly look. These are wider strips for
larger fly patterns.
The snow rabbit's body hair can make a beautiful dubbings for dry flies and nymphsThey can dye any color and make into any color strips. Natural colors:brwon and white.
Bright dyed colors:black,dark brown,yellow,hot orange,chartreuse,golden olive,purple,red and highlander green,blue..
The finely tapered bristles are used for Mayfly tails and on many 'pig' salmon flies.Perfect for Pot Bellied Pigs and Francis and any other shrimp or prawn pattern requires feelers.
Excellent quality whole & half bucktails. The standard hair material for Salmon patterns on large singles, tubes, waddingtons.
Colours:Colours:Black,Blue,Brown,Orange,Olive,Pink,Green, Grey, Orange,Yellow, White,Red,Light Olive
The hair length is shorter
than regular rabbit and has no guard hair giving it its silky smooth look
and unreal movement.
Seals fur is one of the best all round materials for dubbing for dry flies. No fancy gimmics here, just the main colours we use.